Important Points to Note

Before you start

There are a number of key points to take on board before you consider crafting your reponse:

  • While the intention of this website is to inform reisdents of Lapworth about the elements of the SWLP that pertain to the Parish, there are elements of the Local Plan that affect more than just Lapworth:
    • New Settlement C1 also affects Rowington 
    • Strategic Growth SG24 site primarily targets Hockley Heath
  • The Government has set targets for Warwick District Council and Stratford District Council (up to 2,188 dwellings per annum), and whether or not you agree with the methods used for calculating them, they are at present non-negotiable.  However, this Consultation does allow for residents of South Warwickshire to share their views on where the most suitable/unsuitable sites for development lie.
  • You should also be aware that a targeted ‘call for sites’ is running simultaneously with this consultation. This call for sites is only for sites that meet at least one of the purposes below:
    • A site that falls within or adjacent to one of the 12 proposed New Settlement Locations
    • A Gypsy and Traveller Site/Travelling Showpeople Site
    • A site for commercial or community-led renewable energy generation
  • Be mindful that the information provided is incomplete.  For example, utility companies have not been consulted on the New Settlement Sites.  This is something that would take place once a preferred option is selected. Similarly, it is stated that infrastructure (roads, schools, GP surgeries) will be in place before the development of any new settlement is complete. Experience tells us that this rarely happens!
  • We will have to accept that some infill development needs to occur in Lapworth, but the scale of it should be challenged - use your opportunity during this Consultation to voice your opinion.


Planning Considerations

Your response should only include points that the Council considers to be 'planning considerations'.  The following is a list of substantive planning considerations:

  • Detrimental impact upon residential amenity and the visual impact of a development (what it will be like to look at, NOT the loss of a view).  This includes the impact on the character of an area, availability of infrastructure, density, over-development, layout, design, external appearance of buildings and landscaping.
  • Noise and smell.
  • Any adverse impact on protected trees, woods or hedges.
  • Inappropriate development in the Green Belt.  NOW is the time to persuade the Council not to develop on Green Belt. If the council goes ahead with proposals to take land out of the Green Belt, it is likely that the Inspector will agree.  Once a piece of land is taken out of Green Belt, the strongest argument against development is lost. 
  • Loss of privacy and overlooking, overshadowing/loss of light - note that loss of acquired rights to light is NOT a planning consideration.
  • No or insufficient services infrastructure such as GP surgeries, schools, shops or other community assets.
  • Impact on road infrastructure - increased traffic, inadequate road capacity, compromised highway safety, means of access, visibility, car parking, impact on pedestrians/cyclists.
  • Public services capacity - inadequate water supply, electricity supply, drainage, etc. 
  • Effect on setting of Listed Building or character of Conservation Area.
  • Where development is contrary to government planning policy (see the National Planning Policy Framework).


The following are NOT planning considerations:

  • Loss of a private view.
  • Loss of value to your property.
  • Loss of private access rights.
  • Loss of acquired rights to light.
  • Development contrary to a private convenant.
  • Hours of work and damage during construction.
  • Possible fire hazard.
  • Possibility of future problems (e.g. use of property).
  • Access for maintenance.



We have tried to summarise the proposal on this website, but there is lots of supporting information.


You can find links on our RESOURCES page.


Our FAQs page aims to answer some of the most obvious questions.


Still trying to make sense of it all?


CONTACT us, we'd be happy to help you.




Engage with the PARISH COUNCIL. District and County Councillors attend these meetings and want your input.


Attend the PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS and make your views known.


If you'd like to get involved with providing resources, updates and support this campaign, please CONTACT us, we'd love to hear from you.

There are three ways to respond:


  • Sending an email
  • Writing a letter
  • Using the online consultation portal

Our HAVE YOUR SAY page provides all the details.

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